Hillhouse Investigations, Inc.
Astral Invasion / Psychic Attack Page
Astral Invasion or Psychic Attack is a much more common occurrence than might be initially believed. It is an unpleasant admittance to make, but personalities do exist which, consciously or unconsciously, contain malevolent faculties and are capable of transmitting dangerous amounts of negative energy from mind to mind. This description applies to both Astral Invasion and Psychic Attack. However, a difference lies in the method of energy transference.
In Astral Invasion, a contact is made extra-physically, in the "dream-state" or "astral plane," whereas, in the case of Psychic Attack, the transference itself takes on physical characteristics in the conscious, physical world. Of the two, Astral Invasion is by far the most subtle and insidious, as the entire process may occur without the victim even realizing what is happening. It is a bastardization of the power of "Astral Projection," usually a healing and beneficial gift, in which a person willingly "exits" his or her body and travels in the ethereal astral plane. In these instances, an astral traveler may view his or her own body lying unconscious or asleep beneath him and may travel great distances or pass through solid matter as easily as a ghost might and, very rarely, may even transverse dimensional barriers to visit alternate realities from our own. When traveling in such a manner, an astral form is still connected to its physical being by a strong psychic connection known as a "Silver Cord." It is this connection which allows travelers the means to "find" themselves and return to concrete reality. An Astral Attack is generally an attack on this cord, which, when severed, can result in a damaging separation of Form and Spirit. The damage caused is gradual and may not be noticed by a victim at all. Obvious signs are sudden physical weakness; constant, general fatigue; dark mood swings and despair; and a severe tendency toward vomiting. If reparation is not made, the damage will eventually result in death, usually the physical cause of which is a greatly weakened immune system. If the Cord is severed while a mind is traveling astrally, it may also result in a sort of permanent coma, the body lying forever dormant while the victim's consciousness spins off into dimensional oblivion. It takes a strong will to sever a Silver Cord, but there are those who can exert the psychic force necessary, although they don't always realize what they are doing. Sadly, though, many do have the will to harm others this way, and they often do!
Psychic Attack, on the other hand, is a much more physical threat than Astral Invasion. This does make it a little easier to guard against, but it is just as dire a threat. A Psychic Attack is a concentration of pure mental will, focused into a few different patterns of attack:
The effect of setting a victim on fire, a sort of orchestrated spontaneous combustion, sometimes leaving an octopoid-shaped burn at the victim's Chakra points.
This attack produces a strong physical force with the same effect as an actual physical blow, the strength of which depends on the willpower of the attacker. A telekinetic attack can also physically damage a victim's nervous system, "shorting out" various nerves and synapses throughout the victim's central nervous system, resulting in anything from a bad headache to causing the victim's head to explode with a great force (as seen in the feature motion picture "Scanners").
This is a willful insertion of thoughts or ideas into a victim's mind, sometimes in the form of "voices" commanding the victim to perform various actions, either with the intent of controlling the victim's mind or driving him or her completely insane. Many schizophrenics have actually been found to have been attacked in this manner and driven over the edge. With sufficient mental weakening, a victim may indeed come under the total sway of the attacker, whose will has now replaces his or her own.
Psychic Attack is much less subtle than its astral cousin. Very often a victim's raw will is enough to counter an attack even on a subconscious level. so that the victim is not even aware he or she has been attacked! This happens regularly and is actually a natural component of human interaction; it only becomes a threat when it is done willfully and with lethal intent. Most often it is no different than a pair of rams butting horns on a mountain steppe! It is simply a way we associate with each other and ascertain threats. But that doesn't make the exceptions any less dangerous. It is always best to be careful, avoiding those why may stare balefully for too long or seem to have a glazed expression, but, unfortunately, it isn't always possible to avoid harm's path. Psychic Attack and Astral Invasion are becoming more common as humankind slowly evolves and the human brain becomes more complex. Unfortunately, the sort of prevention and protection that Hillhouse Investigations provide is becoming more and more necessary.
If you feel you have been threatened in such a manner, call us today!